The world inventions: The history and the case of the postcard!


A postcard or post card is a piece of thick paper or thin cardboard, typically rectangular, intended for writing and mailing without an envelope. We can send postcard from any place around the world, and we can send it to a destination address. But the post is taking its time from place to place around the planet, and therefore it can take a time when sending a postcard from New York to Tokyo.

Any postcard has its specific history coming from any place in the world from a distinct firm. A postcard can be with different things in the front, for instance what you can imagine, and this means that you find drawings and pictures on the one side, and the other side is for the address you want to send the card to, and you are always given your message here, either in serious ways and/or in funny ways. You use your imaginations, your thoughts, your images, and your dreams. And you write down what you want to give of a message. The messages are some combinations of the used letters, figures and symbols that are available in the alphabet that you are using from time to time, and from place to place. You can write down a postcard where you like it in the world, and maybe you get some postcard back. You can write a message to appreciate your family, your friends, your potential enemies, and someone person you want to know more further!

It takes time to build relations, or to build relations in serious and properly ways. And we should be along the normal curve for the populations in every country, although we are extreme in the ways we are operating, but that is also philosophy in the nature that the philosophy exists.

The first commercially produced card was created in 1861 by John P. Charlton of Philadelphia, who patented a private postal card, and sold the rights to Hymen Lipman, whose postcards, complete with a decorated border, were marketed as "Lipman's Postal Card". These cards had no images. As such, the postcards started by a private initiative, and therefore the sender could be you or me if we have lived our lives at that specific time. And USA was the country that it happened within. And many ideas and products used in internationally markets, have their country-of-origin from America! But it was in the streets of Philadelphia as Bruce Springsteen is telling us in his song, and «My Hometown» is also a marvellous musical piece with him. If reality is not what you want, form the reality in the updated ways today!

Austria became the first country to publish the postcard, but not the first to conceive of the idea. But this means that Austria started the distribution of many postcards, and many people got their pleasure and comfort just with given a message where people said «Hello» to each other.

So, when you are home or abroad, and you want to give your warm message to somebody, or just celebrating something like birthdays, weddings and many more types of events, do not wait to write postcards, but do it when you feel you must give a message. Travelling in the country you are coming from, is worth a while of writing, and visiting people you know and do not know, are also things you can write about in a postcard. Listen to your cognitions, your emotions, your heart and your brain, and find a pleasant way to give a message. And maybe, there is not a meaningful message, but just nonsense in the midst of serious living messages. And this is also about having power or being powerlessness, but we should think that all humans are living and working together, and that we should forget the positions we ever have had, and which we can get. Humanity is about understanding you and me, just as we are from human nature. We are coming to the earth, we are here a while, and so we are leaving. That has always been the life philosophy for any!

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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