How much of the oceans are explored by humans? Explaining the reality for the oceans as it is!


Humans have been on the Moon. But they have only examined approximately 5 % of all oceans that we find at earth! We should examine the earth properly at once, and after that we can take care of the universe!

Approximately 70 % of the surface at the earth is covered by oceans. But not all of these are examined of all kinds of examinations that can be done. But humans have been long away deep into the oceans. And the journey can be done by using vessels, since we cannot swim or dive deeper than approximately 20 meters deep into the ocean by using ordinary air in the bottles of air in such case that we can breathe in the sea. And therefore, humans must use equipment to deep long down into the sea. In the Mariana Trench which is located west in the Pacific Ocean, we are finding in the Challenger depth. It has been possible to reach the depth here, and the depth is 10 924 meters. And this is really higher than Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world. The Mariana Trench was discovered in 1951, and the humans have managed to reach this dept here six times.

The Mariana Trench is the deepest ocean in the world, and since we have managed to reach that level, we can reach every other dept in the oceans. But we have not been all places and explained what, how and why, and since we just have been in approximately 5 % of all oceans, we can explore even more, and we should do that in addition to be in the universe. Space research is important as earlier president in the USA John F. Kennedy has told the world on TV. And humans should use their resources and doing whatever they like at earth, in the organizations where we can make pleasure, and where we can use our restricted time as humans, and be engaged with doing things we like and that gives good morals and good utility to the societies. We should explain ourselves as we are, and we should not accept other people taking care of our lives. The most important thing is to have competence. And now just three things are important, and that is: High competence, high competence and high competence. And we should have long duration of education to operate as researchers in the world. And we should try to avoid bankruptcy!

We can make curves on everything at the planet, and everything is the philosophy and the thinking, and this should be done thoroughly and not everything on the planet should be easy, but there should be an understanding of what is going on, and how and why. And all things in human behavior can be modeled, and we can eat everything that is possible for our human body.

Where do we find the deepest ocean levels at the planet. There are several ocean holes among the oceans that we find on the globe, and we should use understanding, theories, methods and data to explain everything. And we cannot just guess as leaders, but things should be done as properly as it is possible.

The Mariana Trench is the deepest hole in the ocean, and it is 11 034 meters deep at its deepest. The Tonga Trench is 10 820 meters, and The Phillipine Trench is 10 540 meters. The Puerto Rico Trench is 8 605 meters, and the South Sandwich Trench is 8 428 meters. We can be our own personality in research, and we should do the scientific investigations that we just have to do. Keep going to 4,267 meters, and this is the average depth of the ocean on the earth. But we should do more investigations of the oceans, and we should examine all the water we can find on the planet. The life is about fire, soil, air and water.

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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