RE: RE: Hive, Steem, Twitter, Facebook
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RE: Hive, Steem, Twitter, Facebook

RE: Hive, Steem, Twitter, Facebook

Whoa! What a shitstorm this post has caused and not for the right reasons either!

I can understand why you tagged Every-man-and-his-dog because you wanted to get your message to every [active] user on Hive. The trouble is, the vast majority are just looking for ways to moan daily anyway, so your actions were just a golden opportunity for them plus, on the face of it, it endorses the accusations that you spam. (Spam, sigh, I do wish people knew what spam meant! Spam means untraceable communication, whereas the stuff most people really get is "Unsolicited" communication." a small distinction, but people should get it right.)

I like your post for two reasons.

Firstly, I do like the dual-language presentation. It might have been better with paragraphs rather than mirrored, but I applaud it. While I know there are hundreds if not thousands on Hive that are bi-lingual, I, for one, am a typical lazy Brit and only speak one language.

Secondly, I have no idea who you are or what you've done BUT it seems to me you've been (Hopefully?) open and honest about everything and laid your cards on the table. If people choose to ignore that because they feel they have some weird allegiance to 'celebrities' within the community, then I call "SHEEP!"

What the hell is Hive?

How weird is that? Over the past couple of weeks, I've been involved in several interesting debates vis vee Hive and FREEDOM. The community needs to decide if Hive is a freedom-loving decentralised platform or an autocracy? I do so love it when people lie to themselves by saying they believe in freedom and then, with the next breath, start laying down Codes of Conduct. It has me in hysterics when I see folk on Twitter saying: "Come to freedom-loving #Hive it's decentralised, and your posts cannot be censored, and nobody can close your account." and then the very same people are saying that they don't want the likes of Donald Trump on Hive. Bwahahaha.

Personally, I think the problem is crypto. If there were no financial rewards, just votes, I doubt anyone would give a damn what anybody did, but sadly, the moment money is involved, the the green-eyed monster raises its head and everyone's: "Hmm? That's earning a lot? Is it theirs? Who's voting for them? Whose account is that?" I can't be arsed to put that level of investigative work in. I will hold my hand up and say that I see many puerile, poor and minimalistic posts and scream, "HOW THE FOOK HAS THAT SHIT EARNED SO MUCH?" nobody seems to want to give a definitive answer to the question, "What is Hive?" is it a platform to make a living by blogging? Is it somewhere where people like me can vent their spleen and earn a few shekels here and there? Is it even a blogging platform? I'd say it no longer is now that people can post whatever medium they like, be it video, paintings, photos or even me singing in the bath (I don't actually have a bath). Please, Hive community, stop lying to me and yourselves; we're all in it for the money! There's no shame in that, and it's why you are here and not on Blogger or Tumblr. You came here to earn Crypto, so I'm not sure about berating someone for trying to maximise their return in a Free environment has any validity?

There's a good argument that Your content is your content you should be able to do whatever you like with your own content. So, for example, if you post a colour photo, there should be nothing stopping you the next day from posting the same photo but in black and white. After all, Andy Warhol did it. However, I can see how that might be classed as cheating, so yet again, I have to throw away my freedom values and accept rules.


Having spent the last half an hour trying to explain that "Freedom means free to do what you like." I have to say I'm still totally against multiple accounts, and holding 30, to be honest, makes me seeth with rage. Last week, a couple of individuals gave me what appeared to be valid reasons for having multiple accounts. While I was grudgingly willing to, shall we say, turn a blind eye, I still really hate it, so, therefore, I too do not truly believe in freedom. 🙁

I'm going to upvote you for your honesty and your right to free speech. I just wish there had been a better way you could have gone about it.

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