When a million things can bring you down, find one reason to keep you up

My morning started with a bad headache. The alarm clock ringed at it’s best volume to ensure my waking up from deep sleep. Last night, I slept like a dead man. My whole body is still in pain and the additional headache added some salt on wound. All of a sudden I remembered that I have something to do. Beside my office works, I have to do some household works too. But I don’t think my headache will allow me to do so. Waiting for the coffee now. Till then I can share my feelings with you people. So, what's up guys? It is your host and I'm going to share my current feelings with you.

I am a workaholic guy. For last 5 years I'm doing what I am good at. Supporting family in it's need and then having a sound sleep after that is one of the beautiful things in my daily routine. But sometimes, I feel tired too. I feel upset and my mood swings. If you think that I'm getting arrogant for this, you are wrong. I am doing this because I need to share my feelings. We are human beings and we are definitely surrounded with different things.
While thinking of my daily routine, I know I have to pay electric bills, phone bills, internet bills, satellite bills etc. Buying things for family and other necessary things are also on it. Sometimes I feel tired but I know it’s my duty from which I can not just run away. That's how life is meant to be with me. I cannot just show my back to my family.

I have too many work pressures which are taking me down. Everyday, every moment, in every way possible. But when I look at my mom's face, I feel like I'm recharged well for the next level. Feel like, I'm ready for the war and I can handle every single battle standing next to me. That one person removes every negativity from me. Deep inside a voice whispers that ❝ When a million things can bring you down, find one reason to keep you up. ❞ and that’s the bottom line of my life. I have many reasons to drain my energy but also has the reason to fight back and rise.


Like I said, we all are now engaged with our daily routines and surviving through all these moments. There are too many pressures on a single person. We all feel it, right? We are working on it. Some are under pressure about family maintaining, some are thinking about their future savings, some are confused about their relationship and obviously some are worried about cryptocurrency. Not a joke but that's a serious issue. A few days ago when the market collapsed, we felt the heat. Didn't we? At that moment, we didn’t fall down but fought back. That rise is happened after looking at someone or thinking about someone.

So there is always someone or something on which we can depend and rise. Just find that thing or person to do well and survive. Because none will help you in your crisis days. You alone can make yourself worthy for all of it. That's how it will make a difference. There will be definitely hundreds of reasons to say ' I Quit ' but do not do that. Find a way to say ' I'll Try '. Life is always tracking you and ready to surprise you but be sure that you are the one with more options to surprise the life itself.


One reason can be enough to put you up. One reason is enough to stand tall. One reason is enough to prove that you are not done yet. Your rise will be recognized and appreciated more when you rise ignoring all those reasons which were ready to put you down. Always remember my friend, the world salutes the believer and achiever. Be the one who rises from ashes. Find that one reason to rise among the folks of negativity.

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