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Plagiarism and Content Etiquettes

Hello Hivers,

We hear the word Plagiarism every single day on this platform and how we are warned not to involve in plagiarism, some might have heard and were not curious to learn what it implies and also there are newcomers who haven’t even made a single post yet and probably haven’t heard of Plagiarism today I’m going to talk on content etiquette and plagiarism and how important it is to avoid plagiarism.


Plagiarism refers to the publishing of another author’s concept be it an article, art, photographs etc. as your own original publication.It simply means laying claim of another person’s concept to gain rewards or recognition.


There are four different types of plagiarism if not spoken about one might commit plagiarism without even intending to do so.
The types of plagiarism include:

DIRECT PLAGIARISM: This is the most common type of plagiarism, as the name indicates, this refers to the direct or word for word portrayal of another author’s work without citing or attributing him/ her.

MOSAIC PLAGIARISM : This is almost like direct plagiarism but slightly different. This refers to rewording of another person’s work by finding synonyms for words used by him, this basically means the use of another author’s language through paraphrasing such that it means exactly the same as the source without citation.

SELF PLAGIARISM: Most people are ignorant when it comes to this type of plagiarism and some don’t consider it as plagiarism. This is the act of representing ones own original work already published somewhere at a different place when a similar concept is required. When a person publishes a post on a particular community on hive and it gains a lot of rewards and recognition and the need of a similar concept arises he/she then republish the same work.

ACCCIDENTAL PLAGIARISM: accidental plagiarism refers to falsifying or misstating the original source of one’s content or doesn’t follow the accurate referencing methods.


A person who involves his/herself in plagiarism incriminates his/herself and is likely to face the following consequences:

  • Person’s involved in any type of plagiarism
    might have their posts flagged or muted.

  • Person’s publishing plagiarized contents are likely not to gain any rewards for that since it’s not their original work.


  • Try to be unique and inventive so you wouldn’t have to use another person’s concept.

  • Always attribute the original author of your publications if there’s any using appropriate citation methods.

  • Always try to make good use of plagiarism checkers by running them on your work before publishing. plagiarism checker

  • if you’re using a picture, gif ,quotes etc from a source try to always mention the source.


On hive, every community has guidelines to follow in other to make a successful and acceptable post.That is basically what content Etiquette talks about; following the appropriate guidelines to create a standard contents. Using appropriate tags, images etc use citations and references of sources if there are any and all other guidelines based on the community.


This refers to creating awareness to readers of concepts in your publications that aren’t your own unique ideas and attributing the original source.

People are rewarded for creating contents on this platform so it’s necessary to do own your original work and avoid publishing other people’s work for rewards, with the various available plagiarism checkers you won’t be able to get away with that.

Thank you all for reading and I hope this was educative.