thinking skills

Knowledge can sometimes be assumed in various ways, it could be memories, it could also be the ability to create, from a number of existing memories, we consider many things and decide many things. we can know we want something because experiences shape us. we call them memories, findings, even considerations. ___________________________________________



we distinguish between ourselves and knowledge because we see us as individuals and not as the effect of aggregates. in fact, we are not individuals, we are just a common form of elementary life which cannot exist without being connected to others. Our body cells cannot exist independently, our imagination cannot exist without reason, our senses cannot exist without imagination. so under this condition, knowledge should be seen as life itself. when a person is living life, the only difference is in his manner, style, and manner. ___________________________________________



___________________________________________ Humans are not connected to knowledge. But on the object of knowledge. The forms that are present in the conceptualized self are called knowledge.The real problem is that we already see knowledge as a way to control, not something in which experience occurs, the very striking difference between science and knowledge is that according to the truth a science has been confirmed to be true because it has gone through a research process, which is supported by facts, while the knowledge of the truth is still uncertain because it has not been scientifically confirmed.

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