
In the world of Sufism, the most important thing that a seeker / student hopes is to reach Allah or what is known as wushul. Salik is a person who is on a journey to reach Allah, while a disciple is a person who has a desire to reach Allah. These two terms actually have the same meaning, the goal is also the same, namely to reach Allah. __________________________________________



__________________________________________ Everyone can reach wushul or come to Allah. It's just that in the process of traveling there are among the salik who are able to get rid of and pass through all obstacles, but many are not able to so that they stop or even get stuck. all these processes require a struggle that is not light, ranging from physical to spiritual struggles. the physical struggle may be tough but as heavy as the physical struggle it is still harder spiritually. physical struggle requires the courage to empty a little and reduce the portion of sleep. while the spiritual struggle requires one to be careful and observant to see the possibilities of being overpowered by lust and demons. __________________________________________



__________________________________________ Sometimes physically the prayers performed by the salik have indicated that he is a person close to Allah, but it turns out that lust and demons make physical efforts and struggles useless by raising my feelings, "ujub, takabbur and riya". sometimes someone seems to be close to Allah, even his spiritual asrar has been opened by Allah. He became a person of karamah, many people call him a wali and so on, but many also stop at karamah so they don't reach Allah

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