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Pandemic effects

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have indeed made us have to postpone this activity for approximately 2 years and carry out online or virtual activities, but we students are trying as optimally as possible so that the activity remains at its essence, by trying to find various solutions and ideas so that this activity can still be carried out.

with the theme of seasonal flooding and the water network of the Muara Jambi cultural heritage area, so that friends from every university in Indonesia can discuss, exchange opinions, add creative ideas and increase knowledge in this activity.

We are here carrying out student scientific meetings through virtual or online (online) in this activity we hold this activity so that friends can discuss also exchange ideas, provide opinions, and contribute creative ideas so that society can develop as existence.

Also so that we can share with each other where we both know that the problems of society are very broad, but with so many students in Indonesia, I believe and believe that the life of the Indonesian people will be better than today.

That's a review of the photos that I share, hopefully all friends like it, keep an eye on my next interesting post, thank you for stopping by at my post.