The Picture Of The Future

The picture of the future, can't actually be formed without your present and past. Yes, your past. I know some of us believe our past shouldn’t really speak of our future, because, of some reasons, but it really does, your negative past, should motivate you to have a better now and the best future, same with a positive past.


To create the best future we must not dwell on our past achievement. We must seek to do better now and even tomorrow. Someone once said that in the next twenty years from now, we will be unhappy with ourselves, because of the things we were unable to do today. We must utilize our today, be better, trust the future so that when we look back we will be happy.

The only difference between now and tomorrow is time. Time is a major factor of the future. Time management is very necessary. Knowing that time waits for no one, will help us utilize every second, and rightfully putting much effort because time mishandled, results to a regretting tomorrow.

Bill Gate, was once the richest man in the world because he never wasted his twenties. He invested so much to his time and today which has yielded him more than how he started some years ago. The best time to be active is the ‘youthful age’. There is so much energy now, than at old age. The world awaits youths that would take over on every side.


If you’re determined that you can do anything, nothing will be practically impossible for you to achieve, provided you believe in yourself. The power of positivity cannot be under emphasized. When you start seeing things from the positive view, you will notice, you’re getting closer to your dreams. Only those who are determined in their hearts that they can make it, will make it. Even if you’re failing or have failed. Daily confession of the positive, creates this inner joy within you – that you’re not a failure, but a winner. The worst thing you can do to yourself is to disqualify yourself in your mind.

Build your Confidence and move on. Be diligent also because determination without diligence is like faith, without works. You need to work hard to get to the top. Kill procrastination and laziness. A man that is diligent will stand before Kings and not mean mere men.

Build yourself, engage yourself with the latest development. Create good relationships. Relationships matter a lot because a company of fools leads to destruction. When you’re around people who are always busy with their mind, productive and focused, you will start doing the same. Surround yourself with people that believe in you and can tell you the truth. These are people that value you no matter what. You can’t do it all alone, you need someone to lean on and learn from.

It is very important we know God. The most important thing is building our relationship with God. Fervent prayer and worship will give us a better clue of what our future is. He knows everything and so asking him for help and trusting his process, will create a perfect future. He knows the end from the beginning and all we need to do is ask him for direction, strength and wisdom to do things right. Even in our weakness he strengthens us. This should be our daily lifestyle.

The future will surely come with no much stress and indeed will be beautiful if we can practice all these.


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