My Introduction

Hi I'm Daniel Onwuka,I am a newbie on hive and it's my pleasure to be on this platform with great communities and amazing people of different culture and nationalities.

I am the firstborn of my family, I was introduced to hive by my younger brother @justiceo and I would confess that it's a wonderful platform that is why I seized this opportunity to be here.

I am a writer, student and a digital marketer. I've loved writing since I was small and my niche include storytelling, copywriting, article writing as well as others too.

Writing is a form of expression I really like, it helps me document experiences in an awesome format, it helps me to advertise brands through stories and copies as well as create contents for awareness. It also helps me to unravel things as I meditate deeply on things while expressing them through write-ups.

I'm gladdened when my stories either fictional or non fictional arouse the interest of my audience and serves the right purpose. That makes me fulfilled as a writer. Writing is natural for me, it's fun and also enhances my creativity as I talk about things, experiences, events, stories etc

I am a sports lover so I play football and table tennis. These are sports that help me exercise my body and help burn some calories as well as to keep me fit.

I am a newbie in hive but I already noticed noteworthy features that has really drawn me to it. First is it's Blockchain technology, though I don't know much about it but from the little idea I have Blockchain technology has a whole lot to benefit from and it's good to see a blogging platform that makes use of it.

Another noteworthy features is the communities that exist here, these communities have their different niche which helps to keep writing organized and Readers too can also select what to read. So everyone has a choice on what to see and engage on without seeing irrelevant things.

I will start off with the communities for article writing, storytelling, sports writing and as time goes on I'll join other communities to also display my writing prowess.

The rules in the communities is worthy of commendation as they help to keep things in check and maintain order which is important to the success of the communities as things are being regulated. For now these are the features I've noticed, I know there's still so much more to learn and explore and I'm very open to do so as I continue my writing journey on hive.

I am very happy to be here, and I'm eager to connect with many people, many communities, improve my writing skills, take on more challenges and continue to better express myself from my heart to the screens.

Thank you hive
Daniel Onwuka is here
Writer with the etch.

The image used is mine

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