Change is coming.


Changing any habits of your life can be quite hard for the average person. Bounded by societies invisible laws and constructs, we all are just living, surviving. But not many is thriving.

Either way! I wrote a post titled "The Ideal Life" and something that have become transparent is that, its not that hard to life the way I sat out of myself and I will get up into "Next Level" on Sunday.
Link to post : @cwow2/the-ideal-life

Summary of the points.

Up Early
Plenty of Water
Cold Showers
Morning workouts
Work as a Passion
Socialize with people who have the same Goals as you
No Smoking
No Alcohol.

Everything is going great even with some ups and downs.
What I found out was when I don't have my "Caffeine" pills, I will drink a lot of Energy Drinks which means less water.
So I have made a subcriptions on my "Caffine" pills.

I have been taking Cold Showers on most days and I hate it.
I will continue to take Cold Showers, but I am seriously not a fan at all xD

Workouts goes along with the Cold Showers, if I remember one I will remember the other one aswell.

I am on my way to realize all of these habits on a daily basis to feel better and the "Next Level" is me stopping with Smoking and Alcohol, which starts tomorrow.
When that clock hits 12 am, I am not touching a Cig anymore whatsoever, I am done with that shit or when I have smoked the last 3 Cigs today.

P.s. It feels good just to be writing something

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