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The Waiting Game

It wasn't a cheap morning as it cost an arm and a leg to have 3 of us tested. I have no plans of going back for a repeat performance whatever the results are.

So much for me feeling better with my sinuses lol as it looks as though the house has gone into a forced quarantine. Apparently the doctor thinks we don't have flu and are possible Covid cases. In other words he isn't sure so we have been tested this morning. The results will most likely tell us nothing as I am skeptical about this shit at the best of times. The test was not pleasant and can see why the jokes about having a big shnoz make the test easier for the swab as it is not exactly small.

Eyes playing up,headache and had a cold which has now gone sounds like flu or a gentle flu anyway. Apparently if you get irritable with people then that is another symptom so maybe I have been infected with this for years. What I find strange is that the doctor has no clue as he can't really tell the difference between flu and Covid. My normal doctor is taking calls on her phone so that doesn't help right now. I wished people would phone me so I could charge them $50 for a consultation over the phone.

The thing is it is not like Ebola that you have a clear and obvious symptom with body fluids oozing out your eye sockets. If that was the case people would have had the fear of god in them and stuck to the guidelines and quarantine rules. No one knows how good or bad this thing is and it all depends on your body. Flu that can kill you is no joke yet the majority have a bumpy day or two and are fine. The ones that can't handle it must have some serious stuff wrong with them and other underlying issues. I have had worse stuff happen to me and survived so it can yippee ki yay as far as I am concerned.

As I said I am not worried about me as I roll with the punches, but more worried about my grandson. The being careful part was all with him in mind as he had pneumonia when he was a day old and spent the next 4 days in an incubator. Not something I want to gamble with and take chances yet being careful may have not worked. Either way I will deal with it the same way as we have a large house and can self isolate whoever needs to. It doesn't really change much if the test is positive or negative in my thinking. I think I would be more annoyed knowing somehow we caught it whilst being careful and it could have come from literally anywhere.