Les Bleus Blow It Again


The team should be nicknamed the French connection instead of Les Bleus.

I honestly couldn't believe what I was watching this afternoon as the French pushed the self destruction button yet again. A few months ago at the World Cup an elbow to the jaw of an opponent rightly saw a player red cared ending any chance the team had of winning.

Perfect conditions for the French to run the Scots off their feet.

The team trains hard in all conditions and losing a player because of his own stupidity lets the entire team and all the supporters down. In today's game there is little you can do to cover a missing player especially as this happened in the first half. Yesterday England lost a player to a red card, but that was in the last 8 minutes or so and they nearly lost because of it.

The French training this week during a storm.

Fast forward till today and a right hook ended their chances again with another player being chased off the park. Where do the French find these players. Today's idiot was an ex convict who can't control his temper and had to throw the first punch.

The Gods were smiling on the Scots today.

If I was Fabien Galthié he needs to line up all of his players and give them all a few hard slaps and see who reacts first. A team is only as strong as the weakest link and having a bubbling volcano in the ranks is no good as it will only be dormant for so long.

The French were in town expecting a good time tonight.

The team was on track for the grand Slam and todays mission was a must win. Playing Scotland is not that difficult if we are all being honest and should have been wrapped up by half time. We have all heard about the French as you never know which team shows up and today showed just that.

After this showing it has opened the door for England to win the title as they have the Italians to play in their final game. For France to win this they need to beat the Irish by more than 30 points to have any chance and that is highly unlikely. It will all be about points difference on the log and one cannot rule the Irish out either at this point.
Fabien Galthié has a lot of thinking to do as this was a setback that was not expected. Next weekends game is still in the balance as the French have restricted the stadium to only have 5000 fans instead of the 80 000 or so that Stade Francais can hold. I would go if I could as it should be a proper humdinger.

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