Get Over Bad Days

This post is all about getting over the bad days you encounter in your day to day life. I am writing mostly as a developer where I used to have bad days where I can't think straight where I am not able to make a decision. One of the reasons for bad days is stressing out too much but I guess stress is part and parcel of the work you do. The more you think of not having the stress, but the work pressure does give you some stress.


Though Bad Days sucks but again it teaches you a lot if you can learn from it. Say for example you are stressed because you have to deliver a feature in limited time and you cannot think of any best algorithm, this will give you stress along with that, the probability is that the work will never get completed because even though you wanted to come out of the situation you will not because your mind is not stable.

People think that bad days only happens when you are new to something, but that is not correct. Even though you have 10 or 20 years of career, you still can get bad days. When I have to give some examples, it can be because of toxic work environments (like an unreasonable deadline or not supporting managers) or it can be an imposter syndrome, whatever is the case. We all have bad days, it is just that how should we get over those bad days are in question.


Before going into how can we get over the bad days, it is good to know that what we should learn from it, we should spot the bad situations because that is very necessary. If you are in denial that you are not in bad situations then actually it is bad, we should accept and then work on those bad situations. If it's about the work environment, then you have to act accordingly, if it's about approaching something technical then again you have to act differently. Once you know the bad situations you are in, it's very easy to get over it. Also how you feel about it matters. If you are passionate about something but still get bad days, then its ok to not be passionate about it always. Taking care of yourself is much more important than doing passionate things, I believe.

The problem the bad days brings is that it lowers your self-confidence where you start thinking "you aren't good enough or doing it", but the problem is that we often ignore the word 'yet' i.e. "you aren't good enough or doing it yet". You see that one word changes the perspective fully. In simpler terms if something is not working you should give some time to yourself to do some other things otherwise this situation will not improve.

Like you stuck in writing an algorithm and you are trying to write that for more than an hour, but you know its easy to do. STOP IT. Yes, stop it for some time and try to do other things which will relax your mind and thus when your mind is fully relaxed you come back to the problem if still, it's not working then the best thing to do is to ask for help. You can also start doing something which you are really good at it, you will feel energetic and thus you give your brain to calm down a bit. Or you can also try to listen to some music, working out, sleeping, anything just so that you give your brain that extra time.


I think to give your brain time does wonder and we have to accept the fact that whatever we do in life there will be bad days, so we actually cannot run away from it. This is accepting and then you have to find a way to actually minimize that bad day by doing what you love to do.

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