Awareness and protection -Mitigating the spread of COVID


In many parts of the world the necessary measures are taken to minimize and mitigate the spread, in my country that work is also carried out, active awareness of the situation that we present in this year 2020.

Disinfection of buildings is an important part so that this virus does not increase further, always taking into account contingency measures, taking into account how we should act and prioritizing activities inside and outside our homes, with due responsibility, which this merits.



We are responsible for what can happen from now on, we are the ones who accept what can happen, how is this possible?, deciding how to act, becoming aware, acting under the understanding of what is an uncontrolled growth of a virus and its spread, as seen so far; However, not everything is lost, and it is there that the human being plays the most important role, being capable and taking autonomy, prioritizing what he does and how he acts.


The current world is going through a situation, which is sad, a distance that makes you appreciate what we never thought would be out of our reach, so close but at the same time so far. Therefore, abiding by the rules, enforcing what is safe, what will lead us to change is our best tool at the moment.

In Venezuela there are many barriers, it is very true, however, we have noticed that the country's contingency and security protocols have been taken as far as possible, thus protecting the citizens.


In the same care and disinfection system, after that extraordinary day, there was a great arrival of medical assistants to treat people, with or without symptoms of any condition; There was no person carrying the virus during, but the distance was always kept and the parameters established to protect health were respected.


A house-to-house visit was recorded so that the sector alerts were reduced a little and people were calm, there is already a lot for everything that happens around the world, it is necessary to attend, respect and protect life.

It is important to continue in this world that every day is more evolved and that requires conscious people.

Every country is more advanced and has even more sophisticated protocols. Let us try as much as possible to be the tool of change, protecting ourselves and acting in the best way, abiding by the rules that will help us to get out of this situation sooner rather than later.

Greetings from Venezuelas, my friends from Hive and I hope that all this stops.

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