[Photography] A Story Of Beauty In Pictures And Comprehensive Self-Reflection


I am a person who loves beauty. Not only the natural beauty that I like but also the view of the city, infrastructure view, and the atmosphere of beauty. You know the beauty can make the heart calmer. Often I fantasize about green nature, green meadows, rice fields, and terraced structures, and farmers smiling gratefully for life. This made me even more grateful for the gift of life that was given, even though all I found were tall buildings.


By myself, I often stare at the ceiling of a room, see the color of the walls around me, and glance at some light sources in my room occasionally. Actually, I also don't know the exact reason why I saw the ceiling of the room, but I felt when I saw the ceiling and then I felt small and this is brought gratitude to myself because today and next I still have the opportunity to see that beauty is a real, and it makes my heart peaceful.


We know that the various kinds of beauty are the result of the point of view of our feelings, but that beauty makes us feel amazed and grateful to God. Sometimes it is like rain and natural scenery that makes the heart calm, and the ceiling makes us feel small and grateful.

In the end, we realize that God has given humans a unique feeling, some things make our hearts like and some things make our hearts dislike. The good things often always make us love and the bad things we always avoid and fear. And that is the natural feeling in human beings from a long time ago until the feeling is removed and the body dies.


Scientifically, beauty is the characteristic that refers to something beautiful, anyone has the right to express beauty with various things that contain aesthetic elements that are generally judged by society. Beauty often makes humans amazed by the charm of objects, the environment they live and the natural scenery they see, and even towards humans themselves.


Here we can understand that beauty is an abstract and non-realistic quality, where the Creator of the work describes something that is sometimes incomprehensible in general and sometimes not in accordance with reality, but in essence, beauty is exclusive and can only be understood by the person who creates beauty, namely God and understood by humans based on what they understand.


One of the beauties that I often observe is natural viewers in Indonesia from the perspective of landscape photography. Natural scenery is a natural beauty that can be perceived through the eye component in the human senses. Natural landscape sketches generally consist of components such as trees, bushes, land, hills, valleys, water, beaches, mountains, or a number of artificial objects.


In my perception, the natural scenery is something that needs to be protected or preserved because it aims to protect the beauty of nature itself. Indonesia is one of the countries that have quite a lot of interesting and beautiful natural scenery, tourism potential with natural phenomena in Indonesia has a very diverse appeal so that it is one of the most popular countries for tourism purposes.


Finally, do we give up the beauty to go? is it enough for us to enjoy this natural beauty now? Does beauty give rise to obligation? Absolutely, all these questions arise and become a dilemma that must be answered. Because God never creates anything in vain for lovers of beauty.


So, let us answer these questions carefully because the answer depends on how far you understand about beauty;

My best regard


Note: Thanks for all appreciation from people who love #introduction #myhiveintro here Hello Hive... I am Judge but loves Photography and Writing [My Hive Introduction] Sir. @phortun @lovesniper @for91days @mmykel @midun @deltasteem @anggreklestari @hivebuzz. Thanks to @ocd @curangel @blocktrades @qurator #community for supporting the #originalcontent. Blessing 🙏

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