Fixing my computer to fix my life


My computer is not working now. There is something wrong with it regarding the mouse and possibly viruses. Due to this trouble, I am behind on everything. No posting, and no other work that brings money in.

My unacceptable computer situation needs to improve very soon or catastrophe will reign.

I need to get it somewhere here in kl and get it fixed. I meant to get this done in Bangkok where prices are cheaper, but did not due to my poor health on my recent trip.

I have a little place near me - next to the clinic right outside my condo gate. I need to go see if they do fix computers and find out their price list. Maybe this will be a good place to help me.

I am currently working on my cell phone and this is not going well. I need the computer back asap.

Stay tuned to see how I do in this quest.

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