The meaning of life's purpose and how to do it

Dear Hiver Friends

Have we ever wondered, what is the purpose of life? Or ask the question, why are we there? If we ask ourselves that question, maybe we will get different answers from others. Maybe we think the purpose of our lives is to do as much good as possible to others.

Life in this world certainly does not only want the origin of life. This means that there is no attempt to be a better and better human being all the time. The presence of humans in the world certainly has a purpose.

The purpose of human life from each other must have differences. Even though there are common goals in life, surely the way to carry them out is different or in accordance with the personal way of each individual.

We can philosophize about the purpose of life, but in reality, reality forces us to follow the meaning of life in accordance with the interpretation of most people. Living in today's world, almost everything related to matter. But it also does not break our spirits in finding the true purpose of life.

Here are some ways to find your life goals:

- Always worship

This is the first and foremost goal why God sent and created us on this Earth. we must devote ourselves fully in our worship to Almighty God. Worship in the true sense with the terms and conditions set by religion. Remember, without doing this main goal, life WILL NOT BE PERFECT. Because this is the main reason why humans were created.

- Know your desires and interests

Remember and record your every desire and interest. Then, see if it makes you happy again? Does it make you more alive and strong? Does it make you comfortable and calm? Questions that you need to answer clearly. If you meet the criteria, you can start preparing to live it.

- Leave the comfort zone

The comfort zone is indeed relaxed. Even so, you won't develop if you don't want to move. For that you have to dare to leave the comfort zone to try new things. No need to rush, you can do it slowly, but surely.

- Don't be afraid to face failure

Failure can definitely happen. However, you should often hear that it's better to try and fail, than not at all. From failure you can also reap lessons. Even so, you can still choose to avoid failures that have bad and fatal consequences. You can start trying things that even if you fail, you really won't lose anything. There is no loss.

- Enjoy surprises every trip

The way of life of someone who knows. You can fulfill many things when you want to achieve your goals. For that, just enjoy every surprise that you will meet. That will get you excited about life. You can also learn more from the process, than the results you have achieved.

That's the way to find your purpose in life. You can share your story with others, or you save yourself. However, you must remember that you must continue to fight for it.


Hopefully my short article can be useful for me and certainly for all of you. And thank you for visiting my blog.

Regards, @boyacun123
Aceh, 18 June 2020

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