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A young innovator in the development and processing of collagen from the first Sea Cucumber and sticol (Sthicopus collagen) in Indonesian.

Dear Hiver Friends

One of Yogie Arry's young innovators who succeeded in developing collagen processing from sea cucumbers or Sticol (stichopus collagen) as a raw material for the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.

The development of Sticol is supported by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) through the Directorate General of Innovation Strengthening with the Technology-Based Starter Company Development (PPBT) program. The program which is concentrated on the growth of technology-based startups has been implemented since 2015.

The development of Sticol received support for one year in 2018 through assistance and guidance from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education in hopes of becoming a young entrepreneur based on science and technology. This support is one of the steps taken through the Directorate General of Strengthening Innovations to encourage economic competitiveness.

Innovator Sticol Yogie Arry revealed, the study began in 2013 because in Bintan Island there were many sea cucumber / gamat fishing fishermen who deposited their catches to middlemen in the dry form in the sun for 1 month.

According to him, the potential of sea cucumbers on Bintan Island is very abundant, while the market is large. "I come with a touch of technology to develop sea cucumbers in Bintan, we don't want to sell them in raw materials," he explained.

Finally, in 2014 produced the first technology called terpang powder extract which is still used today for the pharmaceutical industry and the herbal industry. In 2018, a second generation of technology called Sticol (stichopus collagen) was born. "The first technology is only extracting, while the second technology we can isolate by taking pure collagen from sea cucumbers. That is our superior," he continued.


After conducting tests and comparisons, it claims the best Sticol sea cucumber collagen hydrolyzate in the world compared to other collagen from four-legged animals and fish.

"I believe when we can master the raw materials, we can master the downstream. We master the raw materials starting from cultivation raw materials to ingredient raw materials, then we throw them into the middle industry that has product divisions namely food and baverage, supplements, and personal care, "he said.

These three fields have enormous potential, he explained, with the same active ingredients we can make derivative products. In collaboration with third parties, Sticol products have penetrated the five countries namely China, Malaysia, Myanmar, Cambodia and Thailand export markets.


In order to avoid the exploitation of sea cucumbers in nature, his party initiated the establishment of a gamat search community consisting of around 200 people. "We also don't want them to only exploit nature so we have cultivation. The target is how ecology and economy can go hand in hand."

Regards, @boyacun123
Aceh, June, 24-2020