Guess Who is here? The lady next door @awero.

Hi Everyone,
Goodevening from me to you!
Its a wonderful evening here at Ibadan ( western part of Nigeria).


I'm Phebe, a greek name meaning Light/Brightness. I love my name Because its very different from the usual names around.
I reside in Nigeria, Oyo State precisely.


I am married and we have a charming son, I studied Hospitality and tourism but currently in the business of shopping and retails and I make wigs as well.

pictures of wig I did

My love for cooking made me venture into the course Hospitality and tourism and very passionate about Home cooked Meals and pastries , also I love music.



My dislikes range from a variety of things from Activity to activities but to mention a few are Dishonesty, soccer, and sea foods!
Looking forward to posts on Life and relationship, business and entertainment, and others as I plan not to limit myself to anything but explore and cut across different sections and segments. I found out about this platform through my bestfriend @lifeoflade and I hope to read and learn through written contents and also bring and share informations on various aspect as time and season may permit.

MrandmrsE_nuga2019 (98 of 215).jpg
picture of @lifeoflade and i

My favorite book of all time is "Half of a yellow sun" by Chimamanda Adiche Ngozi, my favorite all-time movies are "love don't cost a thing, " the Originals" " Vampires diaries " and "Merlin"
I'm also very New to blockchain and my knowledge about it is very basic and not in depth. I also hope I learn as I continue in this platform with time.
I love love, I believe in friendship and togetherness.


Thank you for having me.

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