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A Bit About Myself | Introducing Myself


I created this account yesterday, the purpose of writing my introduction post today is that since yesterday I have been looking at how people post and what should we write in the introduction post. I have read the introduction posts of many people. I visited the post to get an idea of ​​how to write an introduction post, I learned that most people talk about their school education, their pictures, and their life in the introduction post, although I think that we should inform people about our thoughts rather than telling about our life in the introduction post, because as much as people are influenced by the thoughts of others, their career and education do not matter much to people. I want to share my thoughts with my background within this post so that you know me not only externally but also internally.

I think we shouldn't do an introduction post on the first day because
99.9 percent of people will ignore this post without seeing it because till now millions of people have come to this platform, what is special about this? Today I'm expressing myself in this introduction post and another introduction will come from someone else tomorrow what's new? At least Ecency should be given a week to show someone his skills and his talent properly after that people will start to know about me and they will show interest in reading my introduction and seeing my talent, but according to the rules of this platform, I have to show my personality in the very first post. The first post was to be an introduction post, so let's start the introduction.


I think I don't need to waste my words to tell my name because my post was opened just by seeing my name, so knowing my name you must have thought that I have two names. Most people call me by my first name, but I like my second name very much, ABDULLAH the servant of Allah, so you can call me by that name now. Many people think that a person's name affects his personality a lot but I don't know about me. I have two names because my grandfather wanted to name me "Abdullah", but my father refused and he gave me another name "Ashir", that's how I got two names, but I don't have any problem with my two names.


I have always had an introverted personality that's why I rarely make friends. I have only one best friend named Munib. We have been together since class 5. Munib is my childhood friend. As I said I have an introverted personality Munib supported me everywhere so whatever personality I have, half credit goes to him for me to come out in the world. And started to understand the world only because of him, he is not just a friend but a very good companion.



As I said I have an introverted personality I don't have much experience going out and playing and mingling with boys so I stay at home and express my thoughts through my art. It's a great way to express my thoughts so I do it in my spare time to lighten my mind.


As I said above I don't socialize much with people which is why my physical activities were very little my father suggested I join the gym and I was also interested so I joined the gym. So I enrolled in the gym with my best friend Munib, and that's how I spent some quality time with my friend.


Apart from Munib, I have another best friend which is my bicycle. I have always been fond of cycling. When I was five years old, my father brought me a three-wheeled bicycle which is usually ridden by children, but after some time my father realised that I was not like other children so he removed its tires and made me a two-tire bicycle and taught me how to ride it.

This bicycle was given to me by my father in 8th standard when I top in full class and came to him with the result, he gave me this gift and I love this bicycle very much.



Muneeb is not only my best friend but he is also my business partner. We started a physical business together. We started a business selling aquariums, which we expanded not only within our school but also started selling our products to people outside the school. That's how I manage my expenses and I don't need pocket money from my father anymore. I'm financially independent.


My father is an electrical engineer inspired by him I am learning a lot by using his tools and things as a pre-engineering student.
In my opinion, education alone does not develop any skill in a person unless he practices it physically. So I'm practicing these things physically under my father's observations.


I have recently finished my intermediate. The result is not yet and I am waiting to go further university I will further continue my studies in mechanical engineering.
I always feel that studying is not done by doing homework, but learning is done by getting concepts. When someone asks me about being a top student, I always tell them that I focus not on doing homework, but on what I focus on is concept the actual and main idea of our education. That's why I have such good marks.

In my studies, I have always been very good at Math. Math is for me just like literature is for people but according to me literature i.e. English was a very difficult subject for me. Writing and reading English is not as difficult as grammar in English and fighting with tenses and I dislike this thing in my education system.


I belong to a middle-class family. My father is an Engineer and my mother has every brown house she is a housewife. I have one sister and I'm her only one brother. She is my younger sister.

My Goals

As every middle-class boy my goal is not to become a very rich person or to earn a lot of money. What's the use of earning so much money when your grandchild doesn't know your name? Do you know the name of your great-grandfather? I want the world to remember my name when I leave this world. There will be very few people in the world whose name is remembered in the world. That apple-dropper Newton is holding a sword over our heads by inventing gravity, but everyone remembers his name. That's what I want and inshallah I will achieve my goal.

I thought that I would tell you everything about me in one post. I hope that my goal has been fulfilled. If still you find any lack in my post then feel free to express your opinion in the comment section your valuable opinion means a lot here.

Allah Hafiz.

Special Thanks to my onboard @noorchaudhary