[Photofeed] bokeh magic part 2

In another study, I told you about bokeh and how we can get it. I will continue with the examples. But what is bokeh? Let's summarize this for those who don't.

Canon EOS 5D f / 2,8 1/1000 182,00 mm ISO100

How to get the best bokeh?

If you are a photographer, you must have heard this word. Bokeh. The word actually comes from Japanese and means blur or mist.

In the world of photography, the word bokeh is used to describe the aesthetic quality of the blur produced in the unfocused parts of an image produced by the lens.

Thus, the lens you use is the main responsible for the quality of the shit you get. I love shit and work as far as I can to achieve maximum performance of lens and camera combinations.

There are several ways to maximize the bokeh. Actually, this is the main reason I wrote this blog post.

SONY A-7R 1/2000 IS01000

The best bokeh recipe:

Rule 1. Use a lens with the best aperture focal length ratio.

How do you calculate this?
Your focal length is divided by the maximum aperture of your lens. The larger the number, the better.

Rule 2. Use a camera with as large sensor as you can.

Use a large sensor camera. So either a full frame camera or a medium format camera will give you better results, then a crop factor camera.
The reason is simple. The larger the sensor, the wider the frame. Thus, this allows you to be closer to your subject. This is actually about rule 3.

Canon EOS 5D f / 4,0 1/1600 151,00 mm IS0200

Rule 3. Get closer.

Be as close to your subject as possible. The closer you are to your subject, the more blur.

Rule 4. Lie down.

When you lie down, the objective will melt all the obstacles in front of you.


Rule 5. Your subjects should be as far away from the background as possible.

So if you are in control of the subject, find a place where your object is as far from the background as possible.
So, let's say that you took a model and your background is a wall. Ask your subject to be close to you and to keep their distance from the wall in their hand as far as possible.


Ben Ceren ,

All photos , story and drawings are belongs to me. @originalcontent - @originalworks If you like my works please resteem and upvote.. Thank you for your support and valuable comments on my art.

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