Why settle for less, when you can have more?
The very thing you maybe insecure about is what makes you unique. Maybe the main reason you're comfortable being mediocre is that you don't think you're worth all of it.

Everyday we make choices, concerning both serious and trivial things. These choices are important because they shape us into the type of persons we are.

Being small is a choice we make, mostly unconsciously because we don't think we have what it takes to be big. Even people that consciously stay little tell themselves that, they don't like anything big or fancy and that's a lie. They're just scared.

No matter how we feel, it doesn't change the fact that we can do more, we were created to be bigger, better, we were made for so much more.

The only thing stopping us from achieving what we were meant to, is how we see ourselves.
Sometimes we forget the measure of out potentials, the lavishness of our talents and gifts.

We need to stay aware of our capacity. Train yourself to never forget that no matter the situation, you have all it takes to be bigger and better.

I am beautiful, strong, excellent and passionate about my life and purpose and I have what it takes to produce better results.

As people who strive to stay true to ourselves and others, we should say the above statement everyday to ourselves, you want to know why? It is true.
Be the ocean not the drop!

Thanks for stopping by 😊.

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