Rest in Piece Old Bitfull Friend

These last 4 days have been full of mourning and readjustment. My phone officially kicked the bucket on Thursday, hence my access to the internet has been extremely limited, barely able to squeeze in a few splinterlands per day(So to all you opponents seeing me surrender, enjoy it while it lasts.), and so far no luck on keeping a hive related site logged in enough to post, engage or just browse.

I do have a laptop, and a barely working router but mixed in with an internet plan that was already frustrating af on the phone, it's a recipe for disaster or depression for my millenial self.

On the bright side though, my phone didn't suffer. I assume, as it was death by thunder strike and a malfunctioning socket, for real, it was quite scary. Anyways, I don't speak bits but I'd like to believe so for the sake of my Huwaie, model.... Crap I don't even know the model after nearly 2 years together, what a fuckin prick I am. Be as it may I had plenty of love for you and to that effect, I bid you farewell with this ode, an ode to a not so odd companionship.

Moment of Darkness; screenshot by thyself.

you were second fiddle to none,
Always played your position
Despite all the digits that
Kept coming in,

They were all feeble
And you knew it.

Never jealous, never a nervous wreck,
Somehow you always kept it civil
Even under sybil threats
You never blew it,

But sadly everyone eventually croaks,
The lockdown got your number
And now has your shutdown
On lock,

But it's okay baby tech you did your best,
May your bits and pieces rest in peace,
You'll be replaced first chance I get,

I just wish I had at least
One selfie with you.


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