My name is Amos Charles Ebong. My ID name is @amocha which is an abbreviation of Amos and Charles.


My birthday is the 28th of April every year. I am a native of Afaha Obio Eno in Ibiono Ibom Local Government Area, Akwa State. “Eno” means “gift”, Afaha Obio Eno is a community of givers and gifted people, no one steps in and returns without a gift.

So Afaha Obio Eno leads in giving and is surrounded by water with one entrance, many palm trees and filled up with hard working people.
I'm from a family, number 12 son in a family of 69 children of one father, 35 males and 34 females. A family of church founders, proprietors and high intellectual people.

My dad died by the time I was about to write my First School Leaving Certificate Examination (FLSC), this is an examination written as a pupil before one is admitted to high school. I grew up with a zeal for working things out and seeing myself succeed despite any condition or situation I find myself in.

I feel very excited and big to be part of this wonderful family such as Hive which I place as my second home. I respect and salute every member of this family with joy and happiness. For me to be highly and warmly welcomed as part of this honorable family, I feel great and honored. I am married with two children; a girl and a boy.


After the dead of my father, I pressed on to make something happened and I became a graduate in the following Schools:
1)St. Joseph Primary School, Afaha Obio Eno, Ibiono Ibom LGA,

  1. Lott Carey Baptist Secondary Commercial School, Ikot Efre Itak in Ikono Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State in 2004 and

  2. University of Uyo, Uyo, (BA) Theatre Arts - 2012.
    I did my National Youth Service at Solid Foundation Schools, Isu in Onicha LGA, Ebonyi State 2012/2013

I am a Proprietor of Deliverance International Schools, No. 27c Obot Street, Ikot Abasi Itam, Itu LGA.

A Minister of the Gospel Of Jesus Christ at Deliverance Mission International Ministry.

A Minister of the Gospel Of Jesus Christ at Deliverance Mission International Ministry. I am simple, kind, loving, average height, fair in complexion, hard working and handsome young man.


My bosom friend @marynn introduced me to Hive. She briefed me on so many good things I needed to know and how wonderful family Hive is to belong, she guided me through the registration processes and the introductory post, commenting and blogging. These guides have given me the bold step to commence my Hive journey.


I am an avid reader. I love writing, listening to music, especially Gospel tunes and traveling. I hope we will learn together as I will share my thoughts, ideas and experiences with you while I look forward to reading yours.
Let's be friends.

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