To wake up from bed and realise Life is meaningless without focus and aim. My focus and concentration use to be on only my vedio games until @yahuzah introduced to me this lovely and wonderful HIVE social media platform which has given me a new channel of focus and concentration in life. There come the need for me to introdce my self to each and everyone on this noble platfrom.

****Location and self description****

    I am Fahad Nana Toahil when it comes to schooling and other official business, most of my friends call me GHOST ๐Ÿ‘ป in school and others prefer to use Nana King when am at home. I am a Ghanaian from the central part of the country Ghana ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ญ,  I spent most of my educational days in Greater Accra region and upper East region of Ghana.
     I belong to a lovly family of eight people comprising of my father, mother, three sisters and three brothers. We currently reside in Assin Obrayeko in the central region of Ghana. I am about 5.8 ft tall and weigh 68kg, I have a dark skin with black hair, I have a medium to big size nose ๐Ÿ‘ƒ, I have a normal size eye balls with are brown in colour, I have a normal beard length normal size mouth with not very thick lips, I am slightly muscular with a medium size belly and a flat boctocks.

**Educational ladder๐Ÿชœ **

   Alot of  people do say, "Charity begins at home",for that matter, I will vehemently say that, my first education didn't begin from the classroom or school but from my family at home during the earliest stages of my life and the community that I was raised in during that time. I learnt how to speak from my community before been admitted into school. 
     I started my formal education in Assin Obrayeko, I was in  kindergarten in Obrayeko MA basic school when I was three years of age.

I continued my basic education and graduated junior high school in Christian Center Academy in the year 2014.
I followed on to attend Siddiq Senior Senior High School and graduated in the year 2016. I worked for some years to accumulate enough money to help me afford a first degree in biochemistry in the University for Development Studies in the year 2019 and will be graduating in the year 2023.

Hobbies and interest

   Among the millions of hobbies available across the globe ๐ŸŒŽ ,I find much comfort in reading ๐Ÿ“š, playing of video game ๐ŸŽฎ, watching of football matchs and movies , and  engaging in athletic sports such as jogging ๐Ÿƒโ€โ™‚๏ธ. 
   I am not a very good sports man for this reason I do not partake in active sports such as football, table tennis, basket ball, hand ball, volleyball and most of the sports games that involves the use of a ball. 
    Dough I do not know how to play any of those listed games above, I have much enthusiasm and joy in watching when others are playing. I also find great comfort in at times acting as a team coach when there is a football tournament involving an association of which I belong to.. For the fact that I do not know how to play does not mean I hate it, I really love football and I also have a football team that I support,  both for international level and club level. For the international level, I  love to support Brazil when ever they play but, When is it comes to the club teams I am a very big fun of the Real Madrid football club. 

   I am over joyed to share with you all my troductory post thank you all.
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