Beautiful view in the daytime November 29, 2021

Beautiful natural scenery The residential area of ​​PT Asean Fertilizer was acquired by PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda in a conference very close to the PT PIM Complex, Krueng Geukuh, North Aceh Regency, a white oil tank is seen as one of the places where PT Asean is located. amazing with lush and prosperous trees based on various sources of the universe that are the pride of the Acehnese people in general

On Wednesday 29 November in order to find out where the beautiful scenery is, I deliberately walked alone without friends in order to find beautiful and natural scenery to promote the natural beauty of the stunning scenery in the PT ASEAN residential area, North Aceh Regency.


The greenery of the leaves and being able to see the vast ocean looks like the picture below. These are some of the places I took photos of from the Japanese cave to the housing complex of PT Asean, North Aceh Regency.




Beautiful place, very few people visit this area, with the current condition, they still follow the protocol used and the gate guards are very strict. From there, many people did not reach this area. A different place except the Guha area of ​​Japan where the historical heritage of the area is a free area. the entrance is always open for tourists who want to visit.





Visited with the aim of knowing about the entrance and development of a very beautiful and amazing area. There is a very beautiful natural beauty of scenery at PT Asean and PT Aroen and Guha Japan, thank you for your visit to this blog, hopefully it will be useful and for us to get good results. maximum with the best effort hopefully get the best too.

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