Misdirection for fun (2 minutes read)


Pic: Me hiding my face with my hands.

Smiling with contentment as he watched his playmates search for their hidden sticks.

As the rule of the game goes, each player has a stick which they submit to a particular player whose role is to hide them and after hiding them successfully, he sends a signal for the search to begin.

Cleverly, he created marks with his feet, dug the ground out to cover it back without keeping the sticks in it, made a coverage with leaves and other misdirecting tactics to keep them away from where he actually kept the 6 sticks.

As they uncovered all his ploys, being hopeful as they should with the understanding of the rules of the game, they kept on searching.

He kept his distance which was comfortable enough to watch as they searched.

Truly, the game is a game of misdirections and he is glad that he achieved its purpose. From time, his playmates knew him as one that is skilled in misdirecting.

As it is, when one finds their stick, everyone finds theirs and as rule, all sticks are to be hid in the same place.

Unfortunately, his euphoria was cut short as one of his playmate screamed in triumph, discovering the hideout.

Happily, the playmate picks his stick and heads for the finish line which automatically makes him the next one to hide the sticks if no other players overtakes him.
This is my submission.
Contest Announcement link: @scholaris/betrayal-and-misdirection-word-of-the-week-s5w4

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