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Wokeness and Democrats are putting Americans under a dangerous spell.


Everyone wants peace and love and good vibes of course bro. SOOOOO let's just let everyone do what they want! Duh. If it makes you happy just do it bro!! Consequences? Discipline? Logic? I mean what is that? Stop living in the 50's you patriarchal racist bigot!

This post is very rant like, but I'm going to use my freedom of speech while I still have it. The moron democrats already wanna take the guns away, because ya know it makes people feel uncomfortable? Nowadays feelings are laws. K.

I used to be a brainwashed hippy naive fool like this, as American schools are training the young generation to be. I was honestly fully on my way to being an actual real life libtard.

But after awhile, as I grew up and got some real life experience, I realized how absolutely retarded that way of thinking is.

Modern American democrats encourage nothing but laziness and acceptance of handouts. They're truly communist-lite. Democrats offer no type of teamwork or any type of encouragement to stand on your own two feet. Democrats just want control. They want the citizens to have to rely on the government like a young child relies on a mother's tit.

Whenever a republican tries to talk about real life highly likely consequences about certain policies, the left just screams racist, sexist, ignorance, etc. There is no type of logic on the left and it's actually starting to get alarming.

My family was proud to come here and be a contributing member of society. That was always kind of the point of America. America is a place of freedom, but freedom is not free. To maintain this kind of free and beautiful country it requires a society of grateful citizens that want to see the country thrive.

If we just have zero standards as Americans and let everyone come in just in the name of being nice, bro, then I'm afraid all logic is out the window, and this country is going to be screwed.

I don't think this country should be like insanely hard to access, but it should not be a matter of walking across a border, or just a matter of America pitying another population.

I AM for people that are under true persecution to find refuge in America. But no, I am not for people that want to come here because their country kind of sucks, or they are bored or they want free stuff.

I'm so sick of ungrateful people coming here and just immediately talking crap about how everyone here sucks and all white people suck, Christianity sucks, the laws suck. Like bro if you hate everything about America why did you come? If you truly come from a place that is better why did you even come here? Or, if it did suck, why are you comparing America to a country that is lesser?

Then those same people will likely vote Democrat because they offer free stuff, or they are offering policies that resemble their home country. Then once America becomes their home country they will angrily wonder why America sucks. Then they will further talk down to America and the cycle continues.....

If you don't see the logic there, then I'm afraid you're lost bud.

This is why there should be a process to become a citizen. I mean there is, but the proper way should really be the only way other than a couple of exceptions of course.

A country shouldn't base politics based off of feelings, but facts and actual consequences. Democrats live in lala land with printing money, and allowing people to enter the country willy-nilly and they expect no negative consequences whatsoever. THESE ARE THE SAME PEOPLE THAT WANT US TO BE VACCINATED AND LOCKED DOWN BRUH.

America is supposed to be a place to better yourself and your family's situation. There should be a level of motivation to live here. It's ideally supposed to be a global haven of freedom. But if we allow everyone to just turn America into countries that these immigrants are literally running away from I mean...

Like what is happening, ya know?

All of this crap is based on the idea that everything from the past is bad and wrong and racist.

Why are many European countries not obligated to bring in truckloads of immigrants? Asian countries? Many of these so called 'greater' countries than America have much stronger borders and immigration policies, but they're not called racist and every other name under the sun.

I never hated America and never will I be convinced to. I'm not going to apologize for the entire white race anymore.

If you believe that white people are the only people to to evil or racist things, here's a newsflash: You are absolute dogshit at history.

I am proud and thankful my ancestors did their best to help me have a good life. Of course there are some negative things that have been done by people of my race. But all humans do bad stuff man. I'm sick of being forcibly told all whites are evil. I don't care how that sounds, I'm over it.

Democrats are simply commie death eaters. They just want to control how we think and feel.

It honestly feels like I'm living in a county of self hating weird zombies that believe they're wise or smart, but are steering themselves into a mighty downfall. I seriously hope people can start thinking for themselves soon.

Here's an edgy statement:

I LOVE America.


Let's stop being woke, and let's start having logic.