OCDB news and info

Hey everyone! It's shilling time!

All jokes aside I wanted to take a moment to discuss some of the new features of @ocdb since we reprogrammed the bot from the old "ex bid bot" clone. @lemony-cricket has done an excellent job not just to keep it consistent but also enable it to operate for everyone. Let's get into the details of what I mean by that.


Something that annoyed us in the past was that smaller stakeholders who delegated to @ocdb often wouldn't receive any rewards as they didn't get past the 0.001 hive threshold. At the same time ocdb was also receiving some hbd now and then from services such as @reward.app which never amounted to anything for smaller stakeholders. This has now been fixed in the new upgrade where the bot counts any Hive and HBD a delegator would earn but doesn't pass the threshold and saves it in its memory to send it out once the threshold is reached. This means that if you only delegate say 5 HP but technically you're only earning 0.0002 Hive per day, you'll get a payout of 0.001 Hive every 5 days. Same goes for HBD depending on how much ocdb receives daily compared to your stake you may find yourself receiving 0.001 hbd now and then.

While this is a great inclusion for everyone, knowing that all stake matters and is accounted for, we of course prefer that smaller stakeholders use their voting power efficiently to grow their following and generate genuine interactions to thrive on Hive. OCDB is only there for smaller stakeholders who know they're going to be AFK for some time and want to park part of their stake while earning liquid daily rewards.

I'm not going to go into great detail about how it works technically cause honestly it goes way over my head, the dev has evolved it quite a lot to the point where I just stopped trying to follow along. xD

Another great addition that was added just recently was that along with any rewards it receives from @reward.app, it will now also send delegators rewards it receives through beneficiaries.

As you know, @ocdb has been generating accounts for hiveonboard.com which many front-ends and services use to create free accounts for their users, projects such as peakd.com, etc. Hiveonboard has this referral system where if you've used your ref link, the new user is going to have their default beneficiary settings spread out between the account ticket holder, the account creation service and the referrer. Often times it is spread out like this:

3% referrer
1% account ticket provider
1% account creation service

We've seen these being used a lot lately, many new users have these beneficiaries set up early on but the important part to remember here is that it's not mandatory or set in stone. The users can at any time remove these settings to not send any rewards away from their posts and comments. At the same time many may be thankful to have been onboarded and invited to Hive so they may be okay with a small part of their rewards going to whoever onboarded them or provided a free account.

The important part here to keep in mind is that, similar to those who delegate to ocdb, those sending it beneficiaries will get no favored curation from us. Our system we have set up gives power to a lot of curators and communities to nominate posts for curation and none of them are incentivized or encouraged to only go after authors who send us beneficiaries or delegate to us and if we notice such activities we will block it as soon as possible. For instance if a community has been onboarding a lot of people and they are giving the community beneficiary rewards, if curators of said community mainly favor those giving them beneficiary rewards while ignoring others, that's not going to be okay by us and will get the community or curator removed from our incubation.

We're looking forward to growing the returns our delegators receive, this is one step towards that.

Considering ocdb is generating anywhere between 50-100 accounts daily, you can imagine that if a good percentage of those users become active, receive curation and continue sending beneficiaries to their referrers, hiveonboard and ocdb, it could scale to some quite decent rewards over time.

We of course enjoy seeing delegators who support manual curation, community incubation, etc, to earn some more passive rewards in legitimate ways and we will strive to add more rewards in the near future towards delegators. Hopefully I can share some more info on that front soon to thank everyone who's been supporting manual curation on Hive all this time and future supporters.

This of course also opens up the possibilities of authors who want to support ocdb and their delegators to send it beneficiaries on their own accord. As said previously, this of course doesn't mean it will generate you extra chances to be curated by us but it is very much appreciated and I'm sure our delegators would feel the same way. I could and will for instance set ocdb as beneficiary on this post which means the rewards it may earn will be spread out to the delegators in 7 days time when the post pays out.

We have one more feature we want to add towards ocdb which is a message letting people know their delegation was registered. Even though all always get registered at the time of the delegation, many are not aware that our payout bot starts sending out rewards first after 7 days to make it fair for everyone involved, this of course also means you get another 7 days of payouts if you undelegate. This should clear up any confusion as we sometimes see people delegate and then undelegate after a couple days thinking it's not working which causes them to lose out returns for 5 days during undelegation only to notice a couple days of rewards 7 days later and delegate back. I've seen one account delegate and undelegate twice in 2 weeks once cause he just wasn't patient enough and thought it didn't work, lol.

Anyway, let us know what you think about these additions. I'm hoping to come back with another post related to ocdb and ocd some time soon when I have a more clear idea of the plans and if they're going to come to fruition soon so stay tuned for that!

Thank you to everyone who's supported ocd and ocdb, I hope you enjoy the way we distribute rewards and stake wide and hopefully that will improve retention and decentralization more and more in the near future.

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