My entry for Hive Business Card Design Contest

Greetings to all and sundry on this platform, I am very excited to write and participate in this contest organized by @acidyo.
This contest is about designing a business card for Hive Philippines community. Without much ado, I would present to you guys my design. Note that I used Canva in making my design and the process would be share with you all here in this article.

Front Page

Back Page


I started my design by choosing a blank page with a white background color after which I then selected a rectangle shape element and placed it at the bottom of the page and painted ash color.

I then added another one but this time around a larger one than the first one and was placed over it also at the bottom of the page. This was painted red color as indicated in the screenshot below.

Next, I repeated the same design but this time around I placed them at the top end of the page. I did that of the ash color and then followed by the red color.

Next, I then changed the white background color to black color. After that I then wrote a text "" on the top right corner of the page.

I then placed the hive logo on the top left corner of the page. I also desigened the QR code from page and placed that on the bottom left corner of the page as indicated below.

The final design for the front page is given below.

final work for front page

Next, I then went ahead to design the back page of the card and the following procedures were taken as well.

First of all, from the blank page, I painted it with a red color and then got a design of diagonal lines which I placed at the right side of the card. I painted that white color.

Next, I then added the name of the community (Hive Philippines) written boldly at the back of the page. After that, I then included the hive logo and also finally added the QR code at bottom left corner.

The final design for the page page of the card is shown below.

final work for back page

I would like to use this opportunity to invite @nattybongo, @wondex, @salma10 to participate in this great contest.

Thank you all for your time and attention for following my post. I would like to use this opportunity to thank @acidyo once again for organizing this contest.

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