Your first week! CWH-DreemPortFolio!

Dreemie Designers!

If you happened to make it to the CWH Orientation on Friday or the follow up session on Saturday - you've already been briefed on what's coming up for this week!

This is supposed to be a very special post that you're planning for the next 3 weeks - however, we DO want to hear from you before then!

This week... your first challenge post is due in DreemPort on Thursday by the 5pm deadline. For this first post, we want to hear what you're choosing. But this is not your normal "push out a daily post quick" deal. This is the post where you actually have the TIME to add in all those extras that you always thought "would be nice if you had the time..."

Now you do.

So take this week to not only dreem a little about what you want to share... but tell us what you're gonna bring to the post that's a little special! Maybe a special photo shoot for your post? Maybe some personalized banners or images? A video clip? A presentation? Something we haven't seen before? You have TIME now to develop this into something special!

Do we expect all dreemers to be writing posts that take 3 weeks to develop from now on?

Of course not! But... we are hoping that this process allows you to realize that bringing content to our platform CAN take longer than just "push the daily content out". Allow some time for things to develop a bit. Take the time to edit. Don't just think of this as your one and only pin-worthy post. When this one is complete, be thinking of how you can top it and push a NEW pin-worthy piece to the top. When potential followers come to your blog, let them feast on your best!

Speaking of editing..

Please do NOT take this time to write, write, write, write and submit. If you write more - that's great! But EDIT down with the time you have. Editing is a CRITICAL part of writing. It makes your piece PUNCH! Say more, with less!

And what about CWH... how does our collab community fit in?

PERFECTLY. What better way to mingle with this community than in Creative Work Hour, where you can "sit" in a room with other creatives who are all doing the SAME as you. You might think... nahhh I don't need that. Believe me! It's GREAT to have a designated time each day to work. Procrastination can't survive so easily when you've got a date with your goals!

@alessandrawhite has created a SPECIAL CWH for DreemPort this month!

You can choose any two to attend each week. In order to qualify for the CWH Challenge this month - you need to attend 2 shows, each week of the 3 week challenge.

  • Sunday - off
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday - 9 am Pacific
  • Thursday - Join us for PYPT in the DreemPort Discord at 9am Pacific

One of your options CAN be PYPT in lieu of CWH, as that is a time where we share ANY post, mingle, chat, get ideas and more!

DreemPort will have a "check in survey" posted on our site, Friday - Sunday each week for you to report which shows you attended in order to qualify for the challenge rewards.

What are the challenge rewards this month?

As usual, we will have our customized Frame built for all the eligible dreemers to wear! (and of course CWH crew this means you too - as you are now dreemers!) But what else?

The top 3 challenge posts for the FINAL week will win

1st place: 15 HBD, 10 HBI, 500 @ecency points
2nd place: 10 HBD, 5 HBI, 250 @ecency points
3rd place: 5 HBD, 3 HBI, 150 @ecency points

1st place only: 15 HBD, 10 HBI, 500 @ecency points

We haven't given this big of a prize for our challenge in a long time, but we think this one requires that kind of work, and we want to award the kind of dedication to make these posts truly shine.

DreemPort community will (as usual) be able to log in and cast their votes on their favorite challenge posts. Staff VIP curators will also apply their boosts. Star boosts will ALSO be available to any dreemer who curates the previous day.

Prizes are fun, but the real prize is in honing your skills and becoming better writers! Wins all around - but good luck in striving for those prizes!!!


(due on Thursday by 5pm Pacific)

Tell us what your pin-worthy post is going to be about, how you plan on sharing it, what will be special about this post, and why it means so much to you.

Thanks to @shadowspub, @penderis, @bluefinstudios, @kemmyb, @wesphilbin, @mypathtofire, @melinda010100, @samsmith1971, @silversaver888, @lizelle, @kenechukwu97, @jacoalberts, @acgalarza, @blackdaisyft and @dreemsteem for making the @dreemport voting power go farther! ❤️

Writer's Ideaboard - designed with Midjourney

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2 columns
1 column