Help us help make you Dreemers Dreem rich!!!

Hello #dreemerforlife,

It is wonderful to be in this tribe with you. I know a lot of us are completely captivated with the game that is Amani's Garden (also called #dreemerge2 or season2) We are busy merging cards, minting them to move them around, creating squash after squash, and having fun doing it.

This get rich soon plan is NOT for you!

Who then, should be interested in it?

This is for those of our #dreemers who have been curating all April but are not interested in the season2 game, either due to lack of time, or it's too complicated, or joined late. Whatever be the reason, if you are regular on #dreemport and are not using those cards for the game you should be making money (Dreems) on them!!! Why leave those Dreems on the table???

How Brij? How do we do it?

Let me be the Bri-(j)-dge to your prosperity!

old man dreams money.jpg

Essentially if you have not been doing anything at all you should have a lot of cards from your curation which are either Dreem Magic cards or a lot of Plant cards. What the players like me really need are characters cause when we make mistakes 3 stages in we end up having to start from the characters all over again. So many of us would be ready to buy these characters off you if you have them in the market place.

How to get it to the market?

You need to mint the cards. Essentially all the cards except magic have mint button/tab on it which you need to click and it starts the minting process.

It takes 0.25HBD to mint. And once minted it is seen in your assets in the Market (way to go to market it to look at the top menu of dreemport site where you will see Market)

In the market you can either put the card for sale specifying how many Dreems you want for it, or you can transfer it to someone who you might have made a deal with.

For more info check my post on minting : @brijwhiz/mint-some-dreemport-season-2-cards-to-spice-up-your-teams-inventory.

Why only mint characters and not plants.

You can mint plants, not an issue. However people might not buy plants that readily cause when we combine plants with magic to create a character, that character is of same family as plant but could be randomly one out of four possibilities. So it would be a waste of your HBD and their DREEMS if they bought plant from you and the merger just gave them a character they already had.

Oh and just in case you did not know: Plant card + Magic card = Character card

So if you merge your magic with your plants (which is free) you can then highlight you have those characters and check in Dreemport discord on whether anyone needs it You can decide to mint only if there is buyer so that your HBD is not wasted.

Why do it?

We are all getting cards at a slow rate. And as we keep experimenting we WILL need more cards. But either ways we are having fun playing the game.

However if you have the characters we need it feels a waste if you are not able to gain some value out of it. This way while not directly playing #dreemerge2 you can indirectly gain some value from it. And it is a win-win as the buyer will benefit by getting the card and trying out a combination they wanted.

So what are you waiting for?

Go on mint your own Dreems!!! Ping on Dreemport for any clarification you might require.



Lead image created using my prompt on DallE over on Edge.

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