African girl. 🎨

Vreme za spavanje. Hm, možda ipak da nacrtam nešto na brzinu? 🤔
Vadim boje, olovku, četkice. Raspoloženje na nivou. Pravim skicu. Zamisao u glavi je ponosna i setna afrička devojka. Počinjem.

Time for sleep. Um, maybe I should draw something quickly? 🤔
I take out paints, a pencil, brushes. Mood at the level. I'm making a sketch. The idea in the head is a proud and proud African girl. I'm starting.


Skica je brzo završena. Hm, nije loše. Zadovoljna nastavljam sa bojenjem. Polako i pažljivo nanosim boje neznajući kako ću završiti. Roza, ljubičasta, eksperimentišem zelenom.

The sketch was quickly completed. Hmm, not bad. Satisfied, I continue with the coloring. I apply colors slowly and carefully not knowing how I will end up. Pink, purple, I'm experimenting with green.




Hahaha, ne, neće ovako ostati. Dodajem braon i oker. Plašim se da ne pokvarim crtež jer sam za sada veoma zadovoljna. Akcenat je na licu. Pazim na emociju kou zrače prelepe crne oči. Usne treba da budu punije sa sjajem.

Hahaha, no, it won't stay like this. I add brown and ocher. I'm afraid of spoiling the drawing because I'm very satisfied so far. The accent is on the face. I pay attention to the emotion radiated by the beautiful black eyes. Lips should be fuller with gloss.


Ipak nešto nedostaje. Tamnija koža, prirodniji izgled, sjaj kože. Narandzasta! Da, narandzasta!

Something is missing though. Darker skin, more natural look, skin glow. Orange! Yes, orange!




Nije loše. Ne, dobro je. Zapravo sam vrlo zadovoljna. Volim kad curi boja. Ramena neću završiti, ostaviću ovako. Hm, usnama fali crvena boja. Ok, dodaću crvenu.

Not bad. No, it's fine. I'm actually very pleased. I love it when the paint drips. I will not finish the shoulders, I will leave them like this. Hmm, the lips are missing red color. Ok, I'll add the red one.




Wow. Super! Baš sam zadovoljna. Sada nekoliko linija na marami. Neću puno da bi lice i, vrat i ramena došli do izražaja. Završavam, polako, još dve, tri linije.

Wow. Great! I am very satisfied. Now a few lines on the scarf. I won't do much so that the face, neck and shoulders come to the fore. I finish, slowly, two or three more lines.



Gotovo. Moja afrička kraljica noći je završena! Zagledam je sa svih strana. Da, to je to. Prvi put sam zadovoljna i ništa ne bih dodala ni oduzela. Kako lep ispunjavajući osećaj. Ostavljam da se osuši. Poželela sam afričkoj devojci laku noć i zadovoljni zaspala. 💫🌙✨

Done. My African Queen of the Night is complete! I stare at her from all sides. Yes, that's it. For the first time, I am satisfied and I would not add or take away anything. What a beautiful fulfilling feeling. I let it dry. I wished the African girl good night and fell asleep satisfied. 💫🌙✨

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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