Salivating Velociraptor - Another ( possible ) Book Illustration

Today I felt like sharing this illustration with you, a scarier than usual version of Hypersensitivosaurus.
If you look carefully, though, it's still somewhat cute - check its funny arm and finger nails and its forked tongue ;^)

I started this drawing yesterday and added the finishing touches today.

I used the wrong color first. Only realized afterwards, that Hypersensitivosaurus is red, not green.

So, I added a layer of red over the green, which works quite well with the soft pastels that I'm using.

This is what it would look like in black and white, in case this would make it into my ( E-reader version of my ) book.

And this is the interpretation that my 8 year old nephew made, looking at my drawing.

Extremely cute, if you ask me :^)

Oh and before I forget, to get to this scarier style, I searched for a picture of a "salivating raptor" and then gave it my own twist.

I thought of this when browsing through my book's story and thinking of a hungry Hypersensitivosaurus.

Tomorrow I'll be home again, after three days spent at my twin sister's place. I hope to get back into writing and illustrating with more force and focus. It would be awesome if I find a way to finish a version of my book this month, but no pressure.
In the end, the process is what is most important ( to me ) and pressure doesn't make Vincent a fun boy.


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