Hairy, The Ape - Part 2 - The Other Side

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What follows is the continuation of Black Mirror, Hairy, the Ape - A Night in the Life of Hypersensitivosaurus. Make sure you read that part first.**

He wasn't particularly hairy for a male ape, but his parents had called him 'Harry', without thinking of the consequences for their offspring.

Naturally, his name led to a lot of jokes and monkeying around, but after some stints of baldness - shaving his hair and the consequential contrast with his name which only made things worse - he decided to no longer care and to carry his name and hair with pride instead.

"Hairy, the ape" no longer sounded like an insult or something to be ashamed of. In fact, it made him feel like a king:

King Hairy.

Not to be confused with Prince Hairy

Since he first discovered the b(l)ack door, Hairy had made several visits to the cave opening. The place seemed to be a time machine, opening up to ancient worlds. To an age where dinosaurs - and all kinds of other strange creatures - still roamed and thrived.

Up till this particular day, he had never seen a creature looking back, making contact. Therefore, Hairy had wondered if it was all just a tele vision.

Was he merely watching the past, without being able to interact with it?

And then, when he had finally lost interest and started picking his nose, out of boredom and habit, it happened...

This awkward looking creature, that could only be described as a giant red chicken without wings or feathers, started staring right back at him.

It wasn't just the looks of hypersensitivosaurus that intrigued Hairy, there was something way stronger than that. Something he couldn't put his snotty fingers on.

Hairy wondered if the lizard on the other side would perhaps be a future playmate, a possible friend or mainly a new kind of food to try out.

If it would taste like chicken, the latter was pretty appealing.

So, after having made sure that he got its full attention - by really taking the time to eat his snot, almost making this action into an award winning performance - he turned his back to Li'l hyper and walked away from the black mirror, feeling assured that the creature on the other side would follow him.


Forgive me for having fun with MsPaint. I'm a kid from the 1980s.

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