my french bulldog friend

Hello friends Today I'm going to show you one of the most smiling dogs I've ever seen It's a French Bulldog breed and its name is Toby He's here smiling so happy in the picture that it filled me with happiness and made me draw him with pleasure and ease this smile that conveys the happiness of the people who own this puppy, I just don't see myself, this is a happy family atmosphere that this dog creates
I love to draw such cheerful and cute puppies and as if just looking at them they fill you with happiness and this somehow emotionally connects me with the puppy that I draw and I draw it So beautiful that just now you will see what I will show you the people whothey ordered the t-shirt for their children I'm drawing two t-shirts of this puppy I'll show you one today and the other tomorrow it's not all at once be patient good things happen slowly people have said and now let me show you this big cutie named bi he's a french bulldog breed cancel the small and snoring puppies that are so cute you can just eat them with kisses
And do you love this breed of dog?

and since I'm quite happy with what I did, I'll upload a few photos of me admiring what I created on a t-shirt
but let's not forget the most interesting Now I will show you in a few steps the process of the picture that I drew with great pleasure is enjoy it

To be honest, even I was thinking of adopting such a breed of puppy But to be honest, I love big breeds My dog โ€‹โ€‹is a pit bull and I love it very much although if you ask me I can open a whole zoo not only with dogs and with cats and penguins and elephants and cows and horses and all kinds of animals I adore animals and as you can see I also love to draw them I connect very emotionally to them and for me it's just a pleasure to draw animals and to make a living because isn't that the most important thing To do that what you love and live with it As they say
The important thing is to do things with love, there is a lack of love, there is also a lack of purpose, and when there is love, everything takes care of itself and the whole universe does not support what we are doing and it depends on what. That's why my advice is to do what you love, regardless of whether draw sew photograph sell things I advise you to just do things with love just live your life with love and of course 1. 2 dogs just in case


Bye bye

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