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Let's Enjoy the Fireworks With Pikachu (watercolor pencils)

I was so hyped about Pokemon UNITE today. Of course, it was a work day and I had to meet my students and stuff... however, during my break time, I enjoyed playing the mobile game. The duration is just 10 minutes per game, so I need not worry about leaving the game in the middle of it unlike when playing MLBB. I sometimes get reported for being AFK for leaving in the middle of the game... because you know, work is life. haha

Anyway, because of this hype, I decided to draw the very cute PIKACHU in this cute yukata during a fireworks festival. :)

While playing the game earlier, I was gifted a Pikachu skin... and it's the one he's wearing in my drawing... Here's the actual skin below. It's a screenshot of the game...

Anyway, allow me to show you the process. And also, for this artwork, I used a thin watercolor pad, marker, pencil for sketching and watercolor pencils. I didn't blend it with water, though. XD Let's start!

Here's the pencil sketch and inking process. Do you notice something missing from Pikachu? It's so funny because I forgot to draw a very important detail and I just remembered later on in the middle of coloring. haha Anyway, let's continue for now and move on with the coloring. :)

After this part, I noticed that it looks so bare and that an essential part is missing. Can you guess what it is? It's this one below... XD

Dang it! How could I forget his cute zigzag~y tail? T_T I'm so sorry Pikachu... but there you go. Enjoy your tail. haha Now that the tail is complete, let's continue with coloring. :)

After drawing the complete Pikachu, I colored the background and drew some colorful fireworks around him. I also placed my username and signature on the page.

It's been ages since I last drew Pikachu.

FUN FACT--- I came to love drawing because of Pokemon. My cousin used to have a Pokemon poster with all the first generation pokemons, so my cousins and I used to draw them on our notebooks. I lost that notebook because of a typhoon, but it was the first time I really tried drawing and found enjoyment in doing so. Although it was also quite frustrating since my cousins were so good at drawing and I sucked... but it encouraged me to practice and find love in it. <3

Anyway, this made me happy. :) I'll be playing some Pokemon Unite before I go to bed. Thanks for dropping by! See you next time! ^^
