Excel Art-Lala


Today, I had draw a new character using excel or WPS office spreadsheet. The name of my new character is Lala.

Lala is current so call girl friend oh Ah Boy. Plan to make her as Ah Boy future wife but I'm still thinking of it whether or not to marry him off to Lala.

Here is the process I drawn Lala using spreadsheet excel.

I copied the sketch of Ah Mei for comparation. I wanted to make Lala around the same height and body size as Ah Mei.

Done draw Lala. Checking my drawing by comparing Lala and Ah Mei around the same height and body size. I decide to not make Lala higher and chubby than Ah Mei brother, Ah Boy.

Ok now delete Ah Mei, lets Lala had her solo debuts😁

Representing Lala, after converting the spreadsheet to JPEG format

You may refer to below links for know more above Ah Boy & Ah Mei.
Ah Boy - @tampilyne/excel-art-ah-boy
Ah Mei - @tampilyne/excel-art-ah-mei

Will post next new character tomorrow again.💌please for supporting. Thanks

My character creations drawn by excel spreadsheets so far

3 columns
2 columns
1 column
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