Drawing the most elegant deer on the planet: the moose

The moose, whose scientific name is Alces alces, belong to the deer or deer family, being the ones that reach the largest size, with a length that varies from 2.4 to 3.1 meters and a height between 1 4 and 2.1 meters. It means that, if we include the head and horns, the tallest players in the NBA would look short before the imposingness of this magnificent animal.

Regarding body mass, adult males can weigh up to 700 kilos. But the most formidable of the moose are the horns, which come out only to the males and can measure up to 2 meters wide between them. The purpose of the horns is mating, since the females choose only and exclusively the one with the largest and most symmetrical horns. In short, they choose the prettiest and leave the ugly ones like Batman's interiors.

This phenomenon of the horns is also found in other species of animals, such as rams and wild goats. On the other hand, the antlers are used by the moose as battle weapons, since in the mating season the males usually engage in bloody battles that in some circumstances end in the death of one of the opponents.

The other curious thing about horns is that they fall off after the mating season and grow back for the next season.

There are several subspecies (or races) of elk in the world, although there are those who classify the American specimens as a separate species. These animals inhabit the northernmost regions of the continents: America, Europe and Asia, and surely their expansion was facilitated through the ice bridges that formed during the last glaciations.

Drawing procedure:

Step 1. White chalk was used on black cardstock.

Step 2. Begin with shading and blend with your fingers.

Step 3. To make shadows and dark lines, use a black crayon, an eraser and a homemade blender.

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