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vanishing point perspective sketch

I have some sketches that I have prepared to post my beloved community, namely my @Sketcbook community this time, namely sketches of the room, living room and room, at first I sketched the living room and after I sketched the living room it felt incomplete if I didn't sketch the room, and finally I sketching the room also with a simple room, the time to draw is quite long, especially as a beginner for beginners which one is good and which makes the light darker how it will be drawn, the second picture looks a bit disjointed because of that the second sketch is a bit tired of sketching and arguably not quite perfect.

I had time to sketch a perspective building, this sketch was the result of a few days ago, I used a drawing and pencil, this building is located in an area with cold temperatures or a snowy place.

                       living room sketch

                      bedroom sketch

thank you for dropping by at my post, my friends are present, hopefully in the future I can be even better.

I'm @petrion thanks again