Old days of History

Hello everyone,i have a new piece to share, i hope you like it.


Old days of History
20x24 inches
Medium: charcoal on pelican cardboard
Reference picture


Process shots



I started off scaling the drawing with a 4b graphite pencil,4inches per box to make up for 5boxes for the breadth and 6boxes for the length(20x24 inches)
I sketched out the outline and major curves to effevtively size out all folds on the cloth and wrinkles on the face.

Shading stage
Stage 1


I created the skin texture with a brush and charcoal powder, dark lines with soft 6b generals charcoal pencil and blending stumps. Highlights were done with monozero eraser and kneaded eraser.
Shade transition is a key effect to giving drawings a realistic depth.
I took my time to blend in all tones and detail the beard and hair.
I shaded the area on the side of the head and jaw area to the chin to be darker then i highlighted the hair strands with monozero and electric eraser to create the white hair effect and texture.

Stage two


I repeated the skin texture process i used for the face while shading the hand, i carved out the veins and skin wrinkles with a blending stump and kneaded eraser but the cloth is a while different story; first i darken all cloth lines and blend them with a stump then i lay a light charcoal tone to sync then i carve out the folds with a smaller brush and blend all tones together with a bigger brush with another layer of light tone.

Stage 3


The weave design on his attire were fun to create.
First, i lay a soft, light tone to create a subtle fold effect then i dabbled out the weave lines with a 2b generals charcoal pencil then i blended all lines with a stump and then i used monozero eraser to highlight the weaves and blocks.

The end

Thank your for viewing my post*

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