3D models | Painting practice | Galaxy

This was a job that I finished recently, as always I work on something trying new things as I often do when making a practice model, this time I tried a different way to create the roots of the body, normally I use this course for this but I saw better use a vertex along with 2 modifiers (Skin and Surface Subdivision).

The other thing that I used was also masks to work on the cuts in the arms, I tried to create some lights with some texture maps and some transparency but it was difficult for me so I had no other option but to use the Nodes that I have not used yet altogether.

I really liked the final result and I wanted to show it to the students later but in the end a colleague I love and appreciate very much showed it to them, I hope they liked the model that took me a few days to finish testing tools.

  • Work Tools:

Blender 3D


Tablet Wacom Intuos 5

  • Video in high speed 1 hours and 18 minutes: Here

  • Model concept:

This is a painting that some students did recently and I liked the concept so I took it to work in practice to continue improving what I like the most, which is 3D.

  • Carved Model Block:

This is the step by step from the base block of the model along with its retopology, I had doubts about working on the cuts of the arms but in the end I left it completely as a cylinder to work on the cuts or tears using masks or alpha material.

  • Textures in ArmorPaint:

When I was working on it in ArmorPaint when I finished an error occurred and I had to rework the textures of the model hehehe, well the good side is that it didn't take that long to really do it again, I worked at the end in parts in different files the textures to avoid another problem.

  • Textures in Blender:

These are the textures already imported into Blender.

  • Textures and render tests:

Here I was testing different views and this time I placed several cameras that I was adjusting the cameras of the views with the guide line or reticle of thirds to get a better view for the final renders.

  • Renders ready:

The final result of the render, as always, each model helps me not only to practice, it also helps me to improve and I really loved the final result of the model.

Thank you very much and I hope you liked my post Greetings 😄


Mail: luislr0804@gmail.com
If you need my services you can contact me from my email or from my own Peakd profile leaving a message in my post 😄

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