[Tutorial] 5-Steps to impressive illustrations and photos! (w/ Danny 🐦)

Howdy folks! How is everyone doing today!?

I hope it is not a secret to anyone that Brazil has the most amazing landscapes and biodiversity in the globe 🌎🌳! Whenever my wife and I can we are outdoors, living the beauty of the environment, taking pictures, and whatnot. MORE OFTEN THAN NOT, however, we are working from home: Editing photos, videos, and - mostly for me - painting. 😜

As you know, I often spend quite some time working on these posts. What many of you don't know is that we often have a loud visitor who is constantly hating on whatever I paint with its sassy attitude. Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to DANNY, the dacnis.🙄 Danny is a blue dacnis, with A LOT of grittiness, who can't SFTU every single time I grab my coffee, turn my tablet on and try to get some work done. 😤 Just look at this sassy bastard!

Danny the dacnis.png

Notice his laser-focused attention on keeping on my nerves 😂.

Well, whatever...(sigh). As today was no different than any other day, I decided to bring you this tutorial about one of the few things in art that @crisciacm and I share in our daily job:


And of course Danny boi is tagging along, cause 1) He has nothing better to do 2) He sometimes can be a good critic. So I`m adding his commentaries on each of these 5 steps I created, so you can be the judge of his attitude.🐦😤


If you're drawing or painting, get a piece of paper (any paper, really). For photographers, imagine your frame or try to preview your image on your camera or smartphone.

To apply the Rule of Thirds, envision your canvas or frame divided into a 3x3 grid. You can do this physically by drawing lines or activating your camera grid overlay tools. This grid should create nine equal sections on your canvas or frame.

The Rule of Thirds states that visually appealing and balanced compositions have their main subject or focal point placed along one of those gridlines or even BETTER: At the intersection points of these lines. Somehow our eyes are drawn to those points and we feel really good when we see something interesting over there.

Leverage the grid to your favor when composing your artwork or photograph. For instance, when photographing a landscape, align the horizon with one of the horizontal gridlines. You can even follow what Danny is saying here, this one is actually a cool tip (for a bird 😤).

If your composition evokes questions that start with a "WHO, WHAT, or WHY" there is a good chance your image has some story to it, which is great! We are all drawn to stories and this engagement with he audience is what every artist looks for.

NOTE: Danny had flown away by the time I finished this last step, but that is how I imagine his reaction after seeing it (totally unrealistic as you may have guessed! LOL! 😂😜).

Well, my point is:

After following these 5 steps you should be able to make really cool compositions after applying the Rule of Thirds.

I hope you can capture new compelling and visually engaging images from the world around you and share your artistic journey with us here on HIVE! 😍

Remember, composing the BEST photo and/or illustration is not just about capturing moments but also about telling compelling stories. I hope this tutorial may help you out there and I look forward to seeing what you'll come up with next! 😜👍

Wishing you all the best as always...

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