Inktober Challenge | Shallow, Dangerous

The rain is quite soothing and refreshing, walking or dancing in it rain can be a fun activity. Rainy season may not be my favourite time of year but whenever I find myself in the rain, I just throw caution to the wind and get all soaked up because I realised thay life's most precious moments can be the unplanned ones.


The prompt for this work is Shallow, so I created a drawing of girl enjoying a walk in the rain as she strolls into a shallow pool of water. Coming up with something to draw for this prompt took a while and I'm glad I figured it out.


Inktober Day 25 | Dangerous

I've never liked guns😕 they can be dangerous especially when not handled properly or used appropriately.
The level of danger associated with them depends on a lot of things like the skill and responsibility of the person or the reason behind its usage.



When I saw the prompt, I immediately thought of a list of things I consider dangerous and decided to draw the easiest one. I used a ruler for some areas to get better looking lines.

Prompt List

The week is still fresh and new and I hope you have a productive one. ✨️

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