Glass - part 2

Hello, hivers!

It is still quite a lot of time since my last post. I cannot be successful enough making consistent results in drawing. I am creating more and more motivation for myself, but it goes hard. But now I cannot blame my daughter for that. I spend too much time reading news and persuading people here and there about ukrainian situation, and importance for everybody to keep to international law. It will be incredible mistake if we cannot defend all the territory of our country and its part will stay occupied. Our world is not full democratic and there's still enough crazy leaders to fight for territories. And, of course, this rule should be universal, for us and for palestinians. I have a lot of friends in İzrael and I so much feel pain for them. But each nation should have their country. Sorry for this political enclosure.

So, I've finished the second part for lineart of my glass training course. I am not sure I will do other tasks soon, but with these exercises I felt how charming lineart can be. Even if it is of my work :)

I worked hard on a final piece with bottle, glass and vitrage table, having reflexions of each other plus being transparent as the real glass. And I like my result.

Thank you for reading. Hope we will survive.

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