Chico character for comics stories

Hello, friends!

Finally I am home and come back to normal life. It turned out that six month old child is quite a big enough to let mom do her favourite things.
I can be near her watching her playing, admiring her and enjoying time spent together and at the same time I am very glad to come back to thinking how to make the world better, even if it goes for now only with my drawing and donations to our glorious army.
So I am drawing again. This time I want to share character sketches. It is supposed to be a main character for a series of short comic stories that my husband wants to create for a journal.

Let me introduce Einstein’s famous pet Chico.

I have chosen cartoon style since I can draw real quick in it and it’s very important for comics. And I suppose that I will be able to share with you some of the scenes of his adventures.

And for now I have two more projects to start - my own graphic novel of Kyiv Rus times and illustrated fairytales. And as they are going to be very interesting and exciting projects I will share some of my works with you too and on my instagram @lana_saglik. They are all for digital drawing practice, and the best practice is making a project ;)

Wish you luck and peace!

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