Mongolian girl with a small goat


Hello, hivers!

I came back to my favorite national portraits drawing and you can see new result.

It's really cute on a reference and I regret that girl does not seem same cute, though goat suprised me. I didn't expect from myself to make a good animal, especially with fur, especially with violet colour in shadow. I tried before and it was absolute failure.
Girl's face looks a little bit plain but it's very asian style in itself. And great love is in the composition, but not on the face. Next time will be better ;)

Well, finally I finished cheap papers and consider buying a new sketchbook with cotton paper, or Arches sheets. I should come to a better quality, especially that my watercolours really deserve it.

I know that it's very easy to say that the quality of my works will be better with better materials, but I really tried my best with what I had. Everything is good for training, lights and shadows, new mixtures, new poses, composition, proportions. And it will contribute in the future works results.

Hope to see you soon and boast with new papers :)
Thanks for watching.


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