Mallows and grapes


Hello, hivers!

Now I am extremely happy to share with you my latest art. I’ve come back to oil painting, with water mixed oils and it’s my first work for home gallery. I started seven years ago with oil painting since it’s very comfortable for studying because of easy corrections. Later I switched to pencil, watercolour and digital because of smell. And now after a circle being made I am enjoying it all again.

And especially that we finished repair of apartments, and now is the time for decorating it, and I have a spacious balcony for work. Though I prepare my works also for sale in artists’ online gallery.

This work although the first one after long break is the one with which I could graduate from art university. There’s a classic triangular composition with a glance paying attention to each of the three main heroes one after another. There’s a balance of light and shadows, and warm and cold colours. The palette used reminds of old masters.
It’s a good choice for homes with good light that would help background sparkle red and blue. And it’s good for warm evening shadows that will add mystery to the painting. Still to enjoy it fully I’d recommend to find a place with a good sun.

Mallows and Grapes, oil on canvas by Lana Saglik, 2022. $870.
10% to be sent to Ukrainian army until our people will all be free again.

Thank you, good luck.

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