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Hi friends!

African elephants are the largest animals walking the Earth. Their herds wander through 37 countries in Africa. They are easily recognized by their trunk that is used for communication and handling objects. And their large ears allow them to radiate excess heat. Upper incisor teeth develop into tusks in African elephants and grow throughout their lifetime.
The presence of African elephants helps to maintain suitable habitats for many other species.
Numbering three to five million in the last century, African elephant populations were severely reduced to their current levels because of hunting.
The illegal demand for ivory is the biggest driver of elephant poaching. Despite a global CITES ban on international sales of ivory since 1990, tens of thousands of elephants are killed to meet the growing demand for ivory products in the Far East.

I love these animals!
This is my drawing to color today.

Hope you liked it.

Have a very nice day!